Before and After School Care

Before and After School Care (BASC) is available for full day 3K-8th grade students from 7:00am until school begins at 8:15am, and from 3:30pm until 5:30pm.  Calendars for each month will be sent out by email or you can pick up a copy in the office. For those of you who will need to use BASC for your student, please fill out the calendars, indicating the drop off and/or pick up times for each day care is needed, and drop them in the school tuition box, mail to school, or e-mail them back to .  Parents must sign students in and/or out each day.

On days school is delayed because of inclement weather, there is no before care. Likewise, on days when school is closed because of inclement weather, there is no BASC at all.

On Early Release days,  if your student needs care from 1:30 until 3:30pm you will need to fill out a form, which will be sent out to all families the week prior to an Early Release Day.

A breakfast is not provided, but your child may bring a breakfast from home. Milk is available at no charge for cereal. Please send cereal in an appropriate container. After school snack is provided at no additional charge.

2024-25 FEES:

BASC fees are billed to families after the end of each month ($8.00 per hour for the 1st child in increments of 15 minutes, $4 per hour for each additional child).  Failure to pick-up your child by closing time will result in a $1 assessment for each minute after 5:35 p.m. This charge is necessary to cover unanticipated overtime accrued by staff during this time.   The fee for Early Release Care is $5.00 per child, max of $10.00 per family, billed after the end of each month.

Please contact with billing or general questions.